I help ambitious executives and entrepreneurs overcome their challenges and limiting beliefs so they are able to step into their authentic self in a way that they can do more and be more.
Through my work I have discovered that the most common belief is that an active, action based living relies on one’s ability to “do more” & “more”.
“We are taught and pushed to “do” more and as the speed and momentum picks up, we start realising it cannot be sustained. With my tools and interventions, I am able to shift the focus of my clients from “do” to “be”.
“Be” is a state of mind, body and spirit. It is the state of self-awareness which brings with it the attitude to not just be the best you can but to break your own boundaries and “Be more” in all aspects of your life.
My clients come from all walks of life and different professions.
From being bullied, losing loved ones, feeling lonely, being betrayed, to being down in the deepest pits, making mistakes, I have started my life from scratch many times over.
I have also coached clients who have lost children, lost their jobs, built their own companies, had miscarriages, been abused, been through divorce and found it difficult to cope with the loneliness brought because of COVID-19 lockdowns. I’ve faced many challenges in life and I’ve coached many through life changing experiences.
Humans are fascinating creatures and our minds even more fascinating. Recent studies have demonstrated that all humans have almost the same genetic makeup and the difference is only about 0.1%. This has made me wonder what is it that differentiates a successful person from an unsuccessful one.
The answer lies in how you perceive situations. So you see, the tiniest shifts in perspective can bring about transformational changes and help people become high achievers.
Coaching is a powerful and impactful method through which my clients make the smallest of shifts to bring about big changes.
So I learn, study and refine my craft. and continuously work to enhance my art. For this I am indebted to my trainers from Mindbridge Training, Marilou and Jerry Seavey. They not only trained me but have created a community of like minded people, where we grow, learn and evolve.
Whatever comes in our life is there to help us learn something, to grow into a better version of ourselves. The sooner we learn our lessons the quicker we are able to overcome and solve our problems. Having gone through the difficult phase of unlearning and relearning, I realised a lot of us feel stuck in situations and are unable to find their way out. I felt a deep desire to help people going through something similar, feeling stuck. As I had experienced powerlessness, it became my gift in working with high performing men and women. You see, I am exceptionally gifted at seeing where other people are powerful—even when they can’t see it for themselves.
My clients are powerful, passionate and exceptional yet whatever is coming next in their life seems like a really big leap for them.
This is my passion. Witnessing the courage, strength and determination of my clients emerge as they confront and overcome their biggest fears is inspirational. It never gets old. I feel so honored to be sharing that extraordinary journey with them.
I always like to push my boundaries and challenge myself. Nothing beats the excitement of a challenge.
All training done through MindBridge Training Institute and certified and accredited by IHA (International Hypnotherapy Association), ANLP (Association of NLP) and ICF (International Coaching Federation.